Our mission is to preserve, restore, and celebrate the Arroyo Seco, for the benefit of all, by fostering community, enhancing well-being, and conserving its natural beauty and cultural heritage.


The Foundation’s initial project launched in August 2024 and will create a unified One Arroyo Trail connecting the three areas of the Arroyo Seco: Hahamonga, Central Arroyo, and Lower Arroyo.

Now that the trails project is underway, our primary focus is on the long-term vision for the Arroyo Seco. We are working with the City and the public to prioritize and raise funds for future projects such as restoring additional trails, the amphitheater, the bird sanctuary, historic rock walls, and other areas of the Arroyo that have fallen into disrepair.

Simultaneously, One Arroyo continues its effort to grow an endowment fund to ensure that the restored areas of the Arroyo Seco are maintained in the future, instilling hope for a thriving Arroyo Seco.

Our philanthropic efforts will supplement the existing public funding and encourage future development for additional restoration projects and programs within the Arroyo Seco.

With the unanimous support from the Pasadena City Council, the One Arroyo Foundation is pursuing a comprehensive program to restore, maintain and preserve Pasadena’s Arroyo Seco. The Foundation is independent but will work closely with the City.

The One Arroyo Foundation, a nonprofit organization, is deeply committed to the restoration and preservation of the Arroyo Seco.

Our mission is to supplement available public funding to complete restoration projects, ensuring the Arroyo Seco remains a natural treasure for generations to come.


Fall Quarterly Newsletter

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One Arroyo Foundation Seeks Public Input for Next Restoration Project

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The One Arroyo Foundation Seeks Visionary Executive Director to Lead Efforts in Preserving and Restoring the Arroyo Seco.

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